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Sunday, 31 August 2014

Life is too short to do something good for others..

How easy and simple it would have been if you would have been getting things before you even say or what if you would have asked and you would have given it.
We people ask for things, materials....have we ever asked for someone else life.... i think we hardly do that. we are so much occupied in the monotony of our lives that we don't see the other person's suffering. Looking at the person and staring him/her and showing petty is not at all good. They even deserves a beautiful life like us. Somehow they are not able to do that but and by giving such reactions we make them suffer more and more.
God doesn't give everybody everything but whatever he gives to us, do we actually utilize that............NO and we just go on asking for more and more. How can man be so unkind....?????
We see our sufferings and our bad conditions and we tend to neglect the other person.
I know the world is not a wish granting factory but do we really wish for someone else who is a total stranger to us. No, we rarely do....... Is this is how we are supposed to move on..... remembering someone in your prayers and praying for the health and improving conditions of others will not take away anything from us..
This life is too short to do good deeds... you never know when it comes on you and you are in the same condition of asking for people to pray for you.It's not a give and take game like people generally think... he didn't do for me so i will not. Get out of this thought that this world is mean, when you see positivism you tend to forget the negative of a person.
We should see happiness in small things,of course materialistic things can make you happy but what is the use if the people you want to be with are not there with you.

There is a picture attached in the post which talks about that we need to clear off our minds in order to think something good for somebody rlse.

A new beginning !..

We’re all evolving... This is just the beginning..
Each moment is a new beginning. There’s no need to live in the future, because future is merely a concept in your head.
When it arrives, it will arrive as the present moment. If you’re not here and now, you’ll miss it. You’ll keep dreaming of a better future, which never really comes as it is uncertain.
The message I want to give you is that whatever is there is - NOW.
We all have challenges in our life, but it’s okay. Say yes to life. Accept what’s here and now. Trust life, even if it doesn’t look the way you want it to.
The problem isn’t life, but your expectations of it.
Everything in the outside world will sooner or later dissolve, but who you are deep down is eternal. When you can tap into who you really are, your life will change.

Live your present as if there is no tomorrow !!..... Life is a gift...Live it up........

Are you ready ?

Why practice happiness??

Why Practice Happiness?

In addition to making us feel good, studies have found that happiness actually improves other aspects of our lives. Here is an overview of some of the good stuff that research has linked to happiness.
  • Happiness is good for our health: Happy people are less likely to get sick, and they live longer.
  • Happiness is good for our relationships: Happy people are more likely to get married and have fulfilling marriages, and they have more friends.
  • Happy people make more money and are more productive at work.
  • Happy people are more generous.
  • Happy people cope better with stress and trauma.
  • Happy people are more creative and are better able to see the big picture.

Friday, 29 August 2014


A DAY is a 24hour time span you spend doing a lot of activities,  meeting people,working, practicing, eating, resting, rejuvenating!  No two days have ever been a copy of one another, every day is a new experience all together..experiences that set a benchmark of your life. Ther would be happiest day of your life, there would be saddest day of your life, there would even be a luckiest day of your life. Ever realised, you possibly meet the same people at work everyday, live with same people everyday, interact with them but their intensities are different with you, their compatability, thier feelings, their thoughts and movements are different with you everyday. Ever wondered why?? Because even they are having their OWN DAY. Sometimes its the day you face and not the people!! Strange and twisted..!!

You are your own problem solver

what are problems?

Something created out of misunderstanding,dissatisfaction,non fulfillment of expectations,failure in achieving goals in life,Peer issue,relationship issues,Job dissatisfaction,Feeling of loneliness e.t.c.

One must understand a simple thing the problem that has been created by you,suffered by you,faced by you how can some one else lava the right solution for it.No matter who advice you,what they advice you at the end you turn back to yourself asking is that truly the right solution to my problem?

It is very easy for others to advice; they are not the bearers of the sufferings and circumstances.
Have faith in your decision making capability.Trust yourself that yes i know what the problem is ,I know that what action has to be taken towards resolving the problem,i know my resolution is fit and best for me.

I am not saying that do not listen to what others have to advice for the problem.Be a good 
listener.Evaluate ,calculate the possibilities of solutions and finally after the considerations start with the course of action required for solving the problem.

Others would be sympathetic towards your problem;but the reality is when a person faces hurdles or problem its empathy that they have an urge for and not sympathy.

You are your own problem solver no one knows you more than you :your own self.You are the secret possessor of the your strength,weakness your capabilities your fears. You know best what is right or wrong for you.A wise solution is achieved only after the evaluation of these aspects.

 # There is an image attached to the post stating that If you are solving someone else's problem,you are constantly stabbing in the dark.but when you solve you own problem the light come on

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

What is missing in your life ?..

Why aren't you happy ?

Happiness is a state of mind. This is a statement that you have probably heard thousands of times. The problem is how do you achieve that state?
You have everything that is termed as great and wonderful: a fantastic career, a beautiful house, a supportive spouse, loving children, and everything else that is supposed to be necessary for happiness in this world.
Than why do you keep asking the same question? Why am I not happy? Why am I depressed? What is it that is missing in my life? Try as I may, I am just not happy with myself. Why? Why are you still struggling with an answer to these important questions?

1.The need for introspection

2.Past trauma


4.Jealousy can make you unhappy

5.Drifting aimlessly

6.Not being able to achieve your goals

How to be happy
Introspection is the best way to do this. For many people, meditation, especially mindfulness meditation, seems to be the key that allows them to look inward and understand the causes of their unhappiness.
Of course, never forget to keep in touch with people who love you for who you are and can be the major sources of your happiness. Activities such as writing, painting, or photography, or anything that attracts you can keep you in touch with your inner self as well as be major outlets for the expression of your inner pain.

The video gives you an overview regarding how you could end your sufferings..

10 ways to be happier!!

1. Don’t start with profundities. When I began my Happiness Project, I realized pretty quickly that, rather than jumping in with lengthy daily meditation or answering deep questions of self-identity, I should start with the basics, like going to sleep at a decent hour and not letting myself get too hungry. Science backs this up; these two factors have a big impact on happiness.

2. Do let the sun go down on anger. I had always scrupulously aired every irritation as soon as possible, to make sure I vented all bad feelings before bedtime. Studies show, however, that the notion of anger catharsis is poppycock. Expressing anger related to minor, fleeting annoyances just amplifies bad feelings, while not expressing anger often allows it to dissipate.

3. Fake it till you feel it. Feelings follow actions. If I’m feeling low, I deliberately act cheery, and I find myself actually feeling happier. If I’m feeling angry at someone, I do something thoughtful for her and my feelings toward her soften. This strategy is uncannily effective.

4. Realize that anything worth doing is worth doing badly. Challenge and novelty are key elements of happiness. The brain is stimulated by surprise, and successfully dealing with an unexpected situation gives a powerful sense of satisfaction. People who do new things―learn a game, travel to unfamiliar places―are happier than people who stick to familiar activities that they already do well. I often remind myself to “Enjoy the fun of failure” and tackle some daunting goal.
5. Don’t treat the blues with a “treat.” Often the things I choose as “treats” aren’t good for me. The pleasure lasts a minute, but then feelings of guilt and loss of control and other negative consequences deepen the lousiness of the day. While it’s easy to think, I’ll feel good after I have a few glasses of wine…a pint of ice cream…a cigarette…a new pair of jeans, it’s worth pausing to ask whether this will truly make things better.

6. Buy some happiness. Our basic psychological needs include feeling loved, secure, and good at what we do. You also want to have a sense of control. Money doesn’t automatically fill these requirements, but it sure can help. I’ve learned to look for ways to spend money to stay in closer contact with my family and friends; to promote my health; to work more efficiently; to eliminate sources of irritation and marital conflict; to support important causes; and to have enlarging experiences. For example, when my sister got married, I splurged on a better digital camera. It was expensive, but it gave me a lot of happiness.

7. Don’t insist on the best. There are two types of decision makers. Satisficers (yes, satisficers) make a decision once their criteria are met. When they find the hotel or the pasta sauce that has the qualities they want, they’re satisfied. Maximizers want to make the best possible decision. Even if they see a bicycle or a backpack that meets their requirements, they can’t make a decision until they’ve examined every option. Satisficers tend to be happier than maximizers. Maximizers expend more time and energy reaching decisions, and they’re often anxious about their choices. Sometimes good enough is good enough.

8. Exercise to boost energy. I knew, intellectually, that this worked, but how often have I told myself, “I’m just too tired to go to the gym”? Exercise is one of the most dependable mood-boosters. Even a 10-minute walk can brighten my outlook.
9. Stop nagging. I knew my nagging wasn’t working particularly well, but I figured that if I stopped, my husband would never do a thing around the house. Wrong. If anything, more work got done. Plus, I got a surprisingly big happiness boost from quitting nagging. I hadn’t realized how shrewish and angry I had felt as a result of speaking like that. I replaced nagging with the following persuasive tools: wordless hints (for example, leaving a new lightbulb on the counter); using just one word (saying “Milk!” instead of talking on and on); not insisting that something be done on my schedule; and, most effective of all, doing a task myself. Why did I get to set the assignments?

10. Take action. Some people assume happiness is mostly a matter of inborn temperament: You’re born an Eeyore or a Tigger, and that’s that. Although it’s true that genetics play a big role, about 40 percent of your happiness level is within your control. Taking time to reflect, and making conscious steps to make your life happier, really does work. So use these tips to start your own Happiness Project. I promise it won’t take you a whole year.


Sunday, 24 August 2014

Strategies for greater happiness!

It’s an age-old assumption: Success, whether in school, work or relationships, causes happiness. Many of us strive for success, putting long hours into our work or studies in the hopes of achieving success and, as a byproduct of that success, happiness.
But a review of 225 studies in thePsychological Bulletin found that happiness doesn’t necessarily follow success. In fact, it’s just the opposite. Happiness leads to success.
According to the study’s findings, happy people seek out and undertake new goals that reinforce their happiness and other positive emotions.
Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ph.D., of the University of California, Riverside and colleagues reviewed three types of studies: those that compare different groups of people, those that follow individuals over time and those that examine outcomes in controlled settings.
These studies examined questions such as “Are happy people more successful than unhappy people? Does happiness precede success? And does positive affect lead to success-oriented behaviors?”
The results from all three types of studies suggest that happiness leads to greater successes in life.  Lyubomirsky suggests “this may be because happy people frequently experience positive moods and these positive moods prompt them to be more likely to work actively toward new goals and build new resources. When people feel happy, they tend to feel confident, optimistic, and energetic and others find them likable and sociable.”
This doesn’t mean that happy people are always successful and never feel sad.  Part of a healthy sense of well-being includes experiencing painful emotions in response to difficult and painful life circumstances.  These studies found that even generally happy people experienced negative emotions related to challenging or painful life experiences.
Other factors also contribute to success, including intelligence, fitness, social support and expertise.  But Lyubomirsky says, “happy individuals are more likely than their less happy peers to have fulfilling marriages and relationships, high incomes, superior work performance, community involvement, robust health and even a long life.”

Strategies for Greater Happiness

So how can you become happier?
In another review of studies on happiness, looking at 51 studies that tested attempts to increase happiness through different types of positive thinking, Lyubomirsky identified some key ways to improve happiness.
Be grateful.
People reported happiness that lasted for weeks and months after writing letters (they don’t even have to be sent) of gratitude to others.
Be optimistic.
Visualizing positive circumstances and outcomes increased happiness for study participants.
Count your blessings.
People who wrote three positive things that had happened to them each week found their spirits lifted.
Use your strengths.
Identifying strengths and making a commitment to try to use them in new ways appeared to enhance happiness in one study’s participants.
Act kindly.
People who help others report that it also helps their own sense of well-being.

Is there a difference between religion and spirituality ?

Religion and spirituality are two related yet distinct terms associated with faith. Religion denotes "a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, usually involving devotional and ritual observances and a moral code." In contrast,spirituality can be defined as "the quality of being spiritual" .

Based on these definitions, the major difference between religion and spirituality is one of believing versus being. Religion's focus is the content of one's belief and the outworking of that belief; spirituality's focus is the process of becoming more attuned to unworldly affairs. It's possible to be religious without being spiritual and spiritual without being religious.

A religious person accepts a certain set of beliefs as true and observes a certain set of rituals. A person of the Christian religion believes Jesus is God's Son and observes baptism and communion. A person of the Muslim religion believes Allah is God and observes Ramadan and salat.

In contrast, spirituality is the fact of being spiritual and is usually evidenced by the act of doing spiritual things. Praying, meditating, reading Scripture, and giving to a charity are all things that a "spiritual" person might do.

Spirituality is more abstract than religion. Religion usually promotes a creed and has a defined code of ethics; it is tangible. Spirituality exists in the nebulous realm of the undefinable. Because of this, an increasing number of people in postmodern Western culture view spirituality as good and religion as bad. Ambiguity is "in" today; dogmatism is "out."

Yet neither spirituality nor religion is inherently good or bad. The practice of religion may lead to good (the founding of Christian hospitals) or to evil (the mass suicide in Jonestown). Likewise, one person may claim that feeding the poor is a spiritual act, while someone else claims that murder is a spiritual act.

Biblically speaking, religion and spirituality should be united, and the end result should be good works to the glory of God (Matthew 5:16).James 1:27 teaches, "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." Here religion is associated with the application of one's belief in ways that help the needy and lead to a more spiritual lifestyle. True religion is godly; empty religion only has "the appearance of godliness" (2 Timothy 3:5).

Spirituality is also defined more clearly in Scripture. There's nothing vague about 
Romans 12:1-2: "I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God,which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind" (emphasis added). True Christian spirituality is to dedicate ourselves to the worship and service of God and to be supernaturally transformed.

Its important to spend time with yourself

There are days when you just want to spend time with just yourself alone, observing, absorbing, calculating and judging. That very day you will realise that you are not just you, you will get know about all the people inside you, with you, that make you!! Try it, the day you spend alone, wont be alone, your mind will be occupied by the people who might be your inspiration, peoplw who you love, people who are alike you, or probably just your family. A person is made up of people. Its crazy what all can just a human be made of......!!!!

Friday, 22 August 2014

The biggest fear in life and how to deal with it....

We have fears in life  and one of them is the fear to face the fact of life that yes something bad has come on us...
We always blame God for wrong things but we rarely appreciate the good things he has given.  We don’t know when and how the person is going to come in front of us and how the series of revenge is going to continue so the easy way out to let go things is to Forgive…

I am not saying to forget what the other person has done wrong because surely that will teach you a lesson and forgiving him/her will surely some how teach him a lesson. Sooner or later you have to pay for all your KARMAS. 
Now here when I talk about karma, I feel it’s what you do in everyday life. Good things are meant to in the good books but what about the bad deeds we have. They are also a part of this Karmic cycle we are involved in. we think something is good doesn’t mean it’s good. We tend to make ourselves believe that yes its good and there we go wrong…. We did certain act but we eventually forget, even that person also forgets but when something goes wrong with us we start blaming God…  and this point of time we are not able to relate that yes even I somewhere at some point of time did wrong with somebody.

We have to get a balance in our life so that we can understand that actually what we are doing to somebody is not going to harm him/her.  This is the most important aspect of our life…

All of this is going to come with Forgiveness. Eventually you should try and forgive. Let it be what ever has happened, you can’t just hold on to with things for so long. At the end of the day it is going to take away your peace and that is what we don’t want.

Nothing can be bigger than forgiving someone…  hatred and revenge will leave you at a point where you will be left alone in dark world of resentment…

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Everything you see has two sides to it.. positive-negative, right-wrong, careless-careful, suffering-learning experience, light-intense, harmless-impactful, life ruining-life changing,good -bad!! At all times,at any position, in any given situation,may it be your talent, your looks, your financial power, your knowledge..THERE WILL ALWAYS BE SOMEONE OVER YOU AND SOEONE BELOW YOU..its upon you whom you look at and spend your life like! Be an inspiration to those who look up to you,motivate yourself by looking up who are above you..!! Out of the sides pick up the side where YOU lie..!

Our Body and Soul...

Soul is one purest part of our body and we should save it from getting affected... Body may or may not be clean but ones soul should be clean. 
We think we are not going to tell anyone.. So nobody will get to know... But there are some powers who keep watching us.... Deep down inside us its our instinct which keeps nagging from inside that yes this is not good or this is bad....and we tend to ignore and finally we land up listening to daily instances like murder, rape cases etc... 

People committing such crimes have already made their soul dead and impure... We should not let our anger, rage,fear to hover on our mind so much that we forget the difference between being human and not being human. Such incidences takes place because of our ignorance... 

We should try and keep ourselves grounded so that such things don't affect us. And at the end its our soul only, which goes back to god, so when it was given to us as a purest part then how can we give it back to him by making it so impure and neutral...????
We should consider it as god has lender us for some special purpose and when its over it will and it has to go back to him. 
Only then we will realize that how precious and important it is to safeguard its purity... 

Looks will give happiness to You but the soul inside, gives happiness to others around you .

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Thought on life!

No matter how hard you try, there are times when things just don't go as planned. And, it's not because you are doing something wrong. It is because the thing you are after is not designed for you. It is not a part of your destiny.”

Faith in God

Creator,designer,artisan of the beautiful planet the earth with amazing human beings residing on it.

Over the world more than an average population place their faith in god.Only the name differs some call the almighty Shiva. some worship him in name of Jesus.Some call it Allah.Different names but the supreme divinity is one.

Most of us miss god in our hardships.In our busy life we tend to forget thanking god for all the luxuries.happiness,opulence,bed of roses.

Just try and thank the deity for the goodness and happiness in your life and then experience the magic of satisfaction in life.

If a person doesn't thank the great powers of god for their happiness then i believe they do not have the authority,rights to blame,complaint or remonstrance for all the hurdle in their life.

If an individual puts its faith in god it should comprehend one thing.Every human being is like a child for god.The almighty never desires to give pain to its children;Its all karma.

Every cloud has a silver lining.If God gives problems to a human ;its just to test him,its just to teach him different lessons of life,to make him experience the dark side of life.

Once the human has encountered to the hardship of life it will eventually take wise decisions and find the right direction to attain happiness.

Have faith in god he know hat he is doing.Just perform your karma with honesty.dignity,sincerity,in a righteous and genuine god is there to take care of you.

A real Life example.
A person who was suffering from a disease not curable as per the doctors fought with the disease and is now living a happy life.

A girl who after meeting up with an accident could not walk.Her faith in god her prayers in god led to a miracle and now she can walk,she can run.

A person declared dead by a doctor.But the belief of the wife in god that her husband is still alive. She asks the doctor to try defibrillator  and miracle again the person comes back to life.

Can science explain these incidents.
Does a human being have an explanation for these happenings.

There are things which are beyond human control.The main remote control is held by the supreme divine powers up in heaven.


Sunday, 17 August 2014

"Happiness is not determined by what’s happening around you, but rather what’s happening inside you. Most people depend on others to gain happiness, but the truth is, it always comes from within.” 
What’s the one common goal everyone hopes to achieve during his or her lifetime? Let me guess: happiness ??. This is a tricky situation because happiness isn’t just one state of being; it’s a mentality. It’s the ability to take what life has given you and to personalize it in a way that benefits you. If you work at happiness, maybe (just maybe), you will find something that satisfies you temporarily. Honestly, happiness is simply a by-product of living a loving, meaningful life.
There is no guide, no rules, no manual that will teach you how to live a “happy” life. There is advice, however, that can teach you how to approach certain situations to gain the best result.

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Why We Need Purpose in Life ?

A feeling that you have purpose in life is fundamental to your total well-being. Everyone needs to feel as if their life matters, as if they count for something. Without purpose we feel adrift in the vast sea of life.
 For most people purpose has to do with doing things like having a career or a hobby that is meaningful.  For others, purpose means to overcome negative karma or learn a kind of cosmic lesson.  For example, it’s your karma in this lifetime to work on healing negative relationships….and this work gives your life a purpose.
 Unfortunately you cannot find purpose, happiness, and meaning through your work or by fixating on your cosmic life lessons
Having a meaningful work that pays well is wonderful and necessary.  You have hands that are made to touch, hold, and to work. But as circumstances change due to environment or age, finding meaning in work will always be short lived.
 While it is necessary to find meaning in our suffering, suffering is never anyone’s purpose in life.  
No one is born to suffer  !.

You are born to be  happy  !!!.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

The life as i know is beautiful...???

Life is beautiful as in know but is it really beautiful for others...... NO. we have our own fantasy world and we dream to achieve them as well. What about the people who forever remain in their fantasy world just because of the fact they know they will never be able to achieve them. Yes those specially able people who are not allowed to live their dreams. Do we really do anything to make such people happy.... going to NGO'S helping them for a while is one aspect. but what about the other aspect i.e. PRAYING FOR THEM. 
We ask n no. of things from god and that includes the materialistic things but do we really ask for someone's good health........NO. Do we really pray for such people....NO. It would have been amazing if this world would have been wish granting factory. But unfortunately its not..... because we have made it like that.
Why do we don't include a stranger in our Prayers, just because of the fact that he is a stranger and we really can't help.... You are wrong, you can help him not physically, not financially but yes we can PRAY for them.
It feels like when a person close to you suddenly goes away.... and becomes past. The identity of that person is lost... and then people come and show sympathy.....!!!! Where were you when he actually need your remembrance... you were busy with your life... but what if your prayer for him would have let him survived. How ignorant we become at times and we don't realize it.
The world is full of grief and we are busy with our own concerns.... Looking at a person who has something better than you is very obvious. But see a person who has not been given the same senses as you have been given by God. We should keep on thanking god for all of what we have got and also we should include such people in our prayers. 

This is the last thing we can do for anybody and this the one thing which is the most difficult one because we don't have time, we don't bother anymore.....   STRANGE BUT TRUE.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Understanding life

Expectation are something that can take a person on cloud 9 if fulfilled and if not it can cause a disastrous outburst of emotions. 

Human nature does not let it  to be satisfied with what it earns.The expectation from life simply keeps on increasing. Fulfillment of One wish escalates another wish into the person . With each wish the person starts building  its hope and expectation of the wish being fulfilled.

One must understand that life is not a wish granting factory.your mere thoughts  are not  always fulfilled by destiny.

I am not saying that a person should not wish for something. In fact wishing for something is the first step towards successful and satisfied life.What is important to be understood is that  a person needs to actually work very hard and smartly to fulfill their wishes and not blame life of being unfair.

It is not correct to blame destiny for not fulfilling your wishes.The fulfillment of your expectation can be achieved only by your effort.

It an old  saying that if the food is in my destiny it will automatically reach my mouth.You should understand that destiny is indeed providing you with food but you have to extend your hands to   take the food to your mouth.

Similarly destiny will provide you with opportunities to fulfill your expectation.All you you need to do identify the opportunity and mold it to fulfill  your dreams.

Lie today might not seem merry to you but it has its own way of bringing happiness on your door.

So,keep calm work smart/hard and fulfill your dreams.

happy quote!

“Dance. Smile. Giggle. Marvel. TRUST. HOPE. LOVE. WISH. BELIEVE. Most of all, enjoy every moment of the journey, and appreciate where you are at this moment instead of always focusing on how far you have to go.”

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

what is the definition of happiness

Happiness, something that every human being seeks in their life. How do u define happiness; can someone showy alley towards happiness, can someone guide you with a way to achieve happiness.

I feel it is your brain that defines what gives happiness to you.

Every person feels a different degree of happiness from events in their life.

You wait to meet you partner for a week finally a day arises when you get the opportunity to see him. Alas!! At the last moment the plan flops and you become depressed, dejected, upset (All the synonyms for sadness).

But then originate the shine of happiness the partner shows up surprisingly at your workplace.

Wohoo!! There comes a big smile on your face and you achieve what you call HAPPINESS.

Strange how a 5 minute surprise can compensate a whole day. Life is too short to cry and complain .You never know what life will surprise you with. Just try and live the moments.

Praise and cherish what you have and what you receive. Happiness is not a big thing to find just look around. 

You can find happiness anywhere. It can be in a child’s smile, it can be by helping an underprivileged man.It can be by helping your mother in the kitchen,dancing in the rain,

Different people different perspective only thing required is an eye to look for it find it and preserve it.