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Sunday, 11 January 2015

Compromise is not the key to happiness..

As each day passes by you don't see things changing but when you look back at certain point in your life everything is changed. 
Is it because of the compromises you did in your life unaware or its just the mere adjustments you did in order to keep yourself happy.
Relationships are of many type, from the time we are born we develop a relationship with our mother and from there the series of relationship starts. 
We have people in our life to whom we share those different relationships. But how does these things can bring us happiness.
Our mental peace is our own satisfaction. It is not necessary that one who provides you with that is your true soul mate,he can be anybody.
You tend to compromise with people in your life because of some one or the else whether your partner or family member. Here i am not talking about adjustments because they are mutual and compromises are forced upon which leads to resentments and they further lead to cracks in relationships.
Why is it that terms and conditions are laid down on you in order to be together, why can't people understand. Love doesn't comes with condition and clauses because love is and has to be unconditional and not calculative.
People who understand you will love you without asking for compromises but those who think its just a relation will ask you to compromise on small small things. This is because it does not matter to them that you are with them or not because after all such compromises they land you up in do or die situation and a True lover will never let you face such situation.
The fact is that in such compromises your inner soul dies and which leads to unhappiness.
So, we need to learn that solution for happiness is the smile which is hidden because of all such compromises.