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Sunday, 11 January 2015

Compromise is not the key to happiness..

As each day passes by you don't see things changing but when you look back at certain point in your life everything is changed. 
Is it because of the compromises you did in your life unaware or its just the mere adjustments you did in order to keep yourself happy.
Relationships are of many type, from the time we are born we develop a relationship with our mother and from there the series of relationship starts. 
We have people in our life to whom we share those different relationships. But how does these things can bring us happiness.
Our mental peace is our own satisfaction. It is not necessary that one who provides you with that is your true soul mate,he can be anybody.
You tend to compromise with people in your life because of some one or the else whether your partner or family member. Here i am not talking about adjustments because they are mutual and compromises are forced upon which leads to resentments and they further lead to cracks in relationships.
Why is it that terms and conditions are laid down on you in order to be together, why can't people understand. Love doesn't comes with condition and clauses because love is and has to be unconditional and not calculative.
People who understand you will love you without asking for compromises but those who think its just a relation will ask you to compromise on small small things. This is because it does not matter to them that you are with them or not because after all such compromises they land you up in do or die situation and a True lover will never let you face such situation.
The fact is that in such compromises your inner soul dies and which leads to unhappiness.
So, we need to learn that solution for happiness is the smile which is hidden because of all such compromises.

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

an inspiration!

You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees For a hundred miles through the desert, repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves. Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine. Meanwhile the world goes on. Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain are moving across the landscapes, over the prairies and the deep trees, the mountains and the rivers. Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air, are heading home again. Whoever you are, no matter how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination, calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting – over and over announcing your place in the family of things. The lines I say to myself for inspiration are, “the world offers itself to your imagination, calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting — over and over announcing your place in the family of things.”

for me dance is life

Dance!! Its a gift that becomes entrenched in the soul. Those of us who feel this way have trouble describing to those who dont, but I think of it like this: there is a point when the movement and music grab hold of you and fill you so completely that you become more then a body moving through space; you become art!!

Love your inner child !!...

It doesn’t matter how old you are, there is a little child within who needs love and acceptance. 

If you’re a woman, no matter how self-reliant you are, you have a little girl who’s very tender and needs help. If you’re a man, no matter how macho you are, you still have a little boy inside who craves warmth and affection.
As children, when something went wrong, we tended to believe that there was something wrong with us. Children develop the idea that if they could only do it right, then parents and caregivers would love them, and they wouldn’t punish them. In time, the child believes, There is something wrong with me. I’m not good enough. As we grow older, we carry these false beliefs with us. We learn to reject ourselves.
There is a parent inside each of us, as well as a child. And most of the time, the parent scolds the child—almost nonstop! If we listen to our inner dialogue, we can hear the scolding. We can hear the parent tell the child what it is doing wrong or how it is not good enough. We need to allow our parent to become more nurturing to our child.
I have found that working with the inner child is most valuable in helping to heal the hurts of the past. At this point in our lives—right now—we need to begin to make ourselves whole and accept every part of who we are. We need to communicate with our inner child and let it know that we accept the part that did all the stupid things, the part that was funny looking, the part that was scared, the part that was very foolish and silly—every single part of ourselves.
Love is the greatest healing power I know. Love can heal even the deepest and most painful memories because love brings the light of understanding to the dark corners of our mind. No matter how painful our early childhood was, loving our inner child now will help us to heal it. In the privacy of our own minds we can make new choices and think new thoughts. Thoughts of forgiveness and love for our inner child will open pathways, and the Universe will support us in our efforts.

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Stop Looking For Happiness in a relationship....!!!!

“My significant other makes me so happy!” 

“Thanks to my significant other, I finally found happiness!”

“I’m done with my significant other, they just don’t make me happy anymore.”

“Break up with your significant other, you deserve to be happy!”

When I read or hear any variation of the above quotes, I cringe and die a little inside. Why have we become people who willingly and voluntarily allow someone else to control the state of our happiness? We’ve collectively accepted that it’s totally fine to give someone else the remote control to our emotional state.
A relationship is not meant to make you happy. It is nobody’s job to make you happy (unless you’re rich and can hire someone to fulfill all your needs, then by all means!). 

Don’t put that kind of pressure on someone else. Don’t allow someone else to have dominion over how you feel on a day to day basis.
Yes, relationships are wonderful and they add so much to our lives, but they are not here in existence to provide a happiness we can’t find in ourselves. Relationships don’t fill a void or affix an emotional band-aid on your pain. Relationships aren’t the missing piece to your fulfillment. 
A person is not your other or better half.


A man or woman is not a BFF pendant, where they have the other half of your heart. Our happiness or our wholeness is not outside of ourselves. There is no finding happiness. This is not a scavenger hunt. You feel happy. You don’t find it or lose it or attain it or buy it. You feel it, just as much as you feel sadness or anger or frustration or attraction.

In a relationship, you grow. You’re attracted to someone based on how much they can allow you to grow, to understand parts of yourself you couldn’t understand without them, to experience what it’s like to be vulnerable. And through that vulnerability, you learn more about who you are; you shed layers of yourself that don’t serve you; you heal painful memories, and share and release trauma.

It’s not sunshine and rainbows and a constant euphoria. It’s not about breaking up because you’re no longer happy. A relationship ends when you’ve each served your purpose to each other, in terms of growth. You part ways when you’re meant to part ways, when there’s nothing more you can learn from each other, when you’ve, quite literally, grown out of each other.

And that’s what love is. Love is higher expressions of yourself. Love is expansion. Love is openness and vulnerability and rawness and nakedness. Love is facing your darkest parts of yourself. Love is being ashamed one day and liberated the next. Love is infrequently pure, unadulterated ecstasy and happiness.

And that’s okay. We’re here for more than just constant bliss. We’re here to, each day, shed layers of ourselves, be better versions of who we used to be, and to be strong and vulnerable, and to grow.

happiness on daughters day!!

Dear Daughter, When you were little, happiness for you was relatively simple. I found what it was that brought out your first enchanting smile and that first beautiful giggle. I would then continue to pull ridiculous faces if it meant that you’d continue to grace me with your captivating, gummy smile. Your happiness, at this stage of your life, was relatively simple for me to figure out. Early on, my main wish for you was that you’d forever be able to enjoy the simple pleasures and delights in life and that you’d be always happy. Yet as adults, we struggle to find the ever-elusive happiness ourselves, so really, it’s very optimistic that I would expect this of you too. The thing is though sweet girl, I want to at least do the very best I can to steer you in the direction of it. I know that happiness is often perceived to be accompanied by money. I mean, once you’ve got large amounts of money, you can pretty much buy anything right? Houses, cars, champagne, you name it, you can have it all. Here’s the thing though honey, the problem with money is that it can’t buy genuine friends and it certainly can’t purchase unconditional love. Money is helpful but it does not guarantee you fulfillment. So if I leave you with nothing else in this chaotic world, I want to leave you with this. My advice on how to find happiness.

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Patience is the key to happiness

Life is very unpredictable.It surprises you every second with something which you cannot even imagine.

Patience is what helps an individual in understanding what life is trying to do with it. Do not push yourself into taking decisions in a hurry.

Evaluate, wait and try  understand  the reason behind surprises in life.Life does not do anything without a reason.During the course of problems,difficulties and hurdles we might not be able to comprehend with what exactly life is trying to do with us.

Once the shadow of darkness moves the bright sunshine shows us the way to happiness and it is then when we realize why a surprising situation happened in life and how the surprise was though challenging but at the end came with an outcome of happiness.

Have patience to see  the silver lining above the shadow of darkness.darkness. Do not jump onto judgment..Evaluate ,wait have patience
Slowly,everything will turn out to be good.All the problems will automatically be resolved.